Arthrometer Insights

Dive into the world of medical devices with a special focus on knee quality arthrometers like GNRB and Dynelax. This category offers insights, analyses, and updates on various medical technologies, helping you stay informed about advancements, features, and the impact of these devices in healthcare.

woman flxing

What is Knee Ligamentous Laxity?

Introduction In the realm of orthopedic medicine and sports injury management, knee ligamentous laxity stands as a pivotal yet often under-recognized condition. This phenomenon, characterized by an abnormal looseness or flexibility in the knee ligaments, presents a unique challenge to clinicians and surgeons alike. Understanding the subtleties of knee ligamentous laxity is not merely an […]

What is Knee Ligamentous Laxity? Read More »

KT1000 arthromter, new KT-2000 arthrometer

Why Buy A KT1000 When You Can Get A Newer Arthrometer Such As The Dyneelax or GNRB?

Introduction: The Evolution of Knee Laxity Arthrometers Knee laxity arthrometers have revolutionized the way orthopedic professionals diagnose and manage knee ligament injuries. Crucial in assessing the integrity of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), these devices provide invaluable insights without the need for invasive procedures. Initially popularized in the 1970s with the advent of the KT1000,

Why Buy A KT1000 When You Can Get A Newer Arthrometer Such As The Dyneelax or GNRB? Read More »