Scientific Research Using Knee Arthrometers - ACL Research/study

Explore the pioneering Knee ACL research/study and breakthrough findings associated with the GNRB & Dyneelax arthrometers on this page. Designed to enhance the diagnosis, prevention, and rehabilitation of knee ligament injuries, these arthrometers are revolutionizing the field. Dive into key research findings, advantages, and applications that make these tools indispensable for orthopedic surgeons, radiologists, sports medicine doctors, and physical therapists. Discover how these innovations are shaping the future of knee health and treatment.



Navigating the complex landscape of knee ligament injuries demands cutting-edge solutions that redefine the boundaries of diagnostics and treatment. The GNRB & Dyneelax Arthrometers stand at the forefront of this innovation, offering a fresh perspective and a transformative approach to assessing the health and integrity of knee ligaments.

Orthopedic surgeons, radiologists, sports medicine doctors, and physical therapists are constantly seeking more reliable and efficient means to diagnose conditions like partial ACL ruptures. Traditional tools, while reliable, have their limitations. Recognizing this, the GNRB & Dyneelax arthrometers were developed as specialized instruments that bring a new level of precision to the field.

In this section, we will unravel the impactful research surrounding knee ligaments facilitated by these arthrometers. From enhancing diagnostic accuracy to streamlining rehabilitation, these devices have proven to be invaluable allies for healthcare professionals. Join us as we explore the science, the breakthroughs, and the potential that these arthrometers unlock in the quest for optimal knee health.

a doctor in front of the laptop
a doctor reading a document
ACL Research/study: orthopedic surgeon with gloves and blood tissue.
Knee Orthopedics: orthopaedic surgeon

Advantages of Using GNRB & Dyneelax in Knee Ligament Research (ACL Research/study)

Enhanced Sensitivity and Specificity

Superior Detection: The GNRB & Dyneelax arthrometers have shown to outperform conventional methods like MRI in the detection of partial ACL ruptures, ensuring no cases go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.

Precision: By providing quantitative data on knee laxity, these arthrometers facilitate precise assessments, eliminating the guesswork associated with manual evaluations.

Time-Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness

Quick Assessments: These arthrometers enable swift and efficient evaluations, saving valuable time for both researchers and patients.

Cost Reduction: By potentially reducing the need for expensive imaging tests, they contribute to more cost-effective diagnostic pathways.

Ease of Integration and Versatility

Adaptability: The GNRB & Dyneelax arthrometers can be easily integrated into various research environments and clinical settings.

Comprehensive Analysis: Designed to assess all knee ligaments, they offer a versatile tool for broad spectrum research on knee ligament health.

Facilitation of Longitudinal Studies

Consistent Monitoring: Their ability to reliably track changes in knee laxity over time makes these arthrometers ideal for longitudinal studies on ligament injuries and rehabilitation.

Data Collection: Automated and standardized data collection ensures consistency and accuracy in long-term research studies.

Improving Rehabilitation Outcomes

Personalized Rehabilitation Plans: By accurately gauging the severity and progression of ligament injuries, these arthrometers aid researchers in tailoring rehabilitation plans for optimal recovery.

Real-Time Feedback: Researchers and practitioners can make immediate adjustments to treatment plans based on the real-time data provided by the arthrometers.

Fostering Innovation

Paving the Way for New Studies: The capabilities of the GNRB & Dyneelax arthrometers open up avenues for innovative research in knee ligament injuries and treatment modalities.

Evidence-Based Practice: By providing empirical data, these tools contribute to the development and endorsement of evidence-based practices in orthopedics and sports medicine.

Applications in Diagnosis and Treatment

Dyneelax: A 4 in 1 high-tech Medical Device

Diagnosis Of ACL, PCL, AL-PM & AM-PL Corners Injuries

Harnessing Dyneelax, we redefine knee ligament injury diagnosis. Especially with partial ACL ruptures, surpassing MRI's capabilities. Enter a new era of confident, precise assessments. Your knee's health, unmistakably reaffirmed.

Rehabilitation Of ACL, PCL,AL-PM & AM-PL Corner Injuries

Embrace Dyneelax's revolutionary technology as we guide you through the journey of ACL injury rehabilitation. Witness a transformation in recovery, where hope meets innovation. Rebuild with confidence and conviction.

Spomed Dyneelax leg strepped.

Prevention of ACL, PCL, AL-PM & AM-PL Corners Injuries

Utilizing the cutting-edge capabilities of Dyneelax, we unveil proactive strategies to prevent ACL injuries. Venture into a future where knee safety is prioritized. Protect and prevent, with assurance.

Follow-Up Of ACL, PCL, AL-PM & AM-PL Corners

With Dyneelax as our compass, embark on a path of vigilant follow-up care for ACL injuries. Enter a realm where progress is measured, and healing is tracked with precision. Your journey, our commitment.

Together, We Achieve

In the world of medicine, precision is not an option but a necessity. Let's strive for accurate diagnoses and swift recoveries.

Embrace the tools that lead us to precise answers and foster a swift journey to health.

Don’t just take our word for it


Discover Proven Outcomes

Case Studies

Sports Medicine Technology: a therapist holding the knee of a patient. synthetic acl rehabilitation protocol. BPTB Rehabilitation Protocol. Hamstring Tendon Rehabilitation Protocol.
2017 - ACL Grafts Compliance During Time: Influence of Early Solicitations on the Final Stiffness of the Graft after Surgery

DOI: 10.24966/ORP-2052/100035
Stéphane Nouveau, Henri Robert, Thimothee Viel,
a window with a doctor in a room
2023 - GNRB® laximeter with magnetic resonance imaging in clinical practice for complete and partial anterior cruciate ligament tears detection: A prospective diagnostic study with arthroscopic validation on 214 patients.

DOI: 10.1016/j.knee.2023.03.017
Theo Cojean, Cecile Batailler, Henri Robert, Laurence Cheze
CHU Nantes, CHU Angers, CH Laval (French Hospitals)
A doctor writing on a white file. Arthrometer Rehabilitation Tech.
2023 - Sensitivity, repeatability and reproducibility study with a leg prototype of a recently developed knee arthrometer: The DYNEELAX®

DOI: 10.1016/j.medntd.2023.100254
Theo Cojean, Cecile Batailler, Henri Robert, Laurence Cheze
Université Gustave Eiffel, Lyon, France


The breakthrough research findings associated with the GNRB & Dyneelax arthrometers underscore their transformative impact in the realm of knee ligament health. By enabling precise diagnosis, fostering personalized rehabilitation, and facilitating preventive care, these arthrometers stand as pivotal tools for healthcare professionals. Their consistent contributions to evidence-based practice pave the way for a future where knee ligament injuries are addressed with the utmost accuracy and efficacy.

Knee Ligament Arthrometer Device, acl injury diagnosis
GNRB Device - ACL Assessment- Knee Laxity Testing Device


To assist healthcare professionals in leveraging the GNRB & DyneeLax arthrometers to their fullest potential, we have curated a collection of resources. These are designed to provide comprehensive insights, from basic setup and operation to in-depth diagnostic procedures. These resources aim to facilitate seamless integration of these innovative tools into your diagnostic practice, ensuring accurate and timely identification of knee ligament injuries.

Research Articles & Clinical Studies:

2023 - GNRB® laximeter with magnetic resonance imaging in clinical practice for complete and partial anterior cruciate ligament tears detection: A prospective diagnostic study with arthroscopic validation on 214 patients.
DOI: 10.1016/j.knee.2023.03.017

2023 - Sensitivity, repeatability and reproducibility study with a leg prototype of a recently developed knee arthrometer: The DYNEELAX®
DOI: 10.1016/j.medntd.2023.100254

2019 - Anterior knee translation measurements after ACL reconstruction are influenced by the type of laximeter used.
DOI: 10.1007/s00167-020-05950-5

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